Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Not my strength, but His!

I sat and had my morning coffee this morning as usual and grabbed for my daily devotional.  For those of you who know me really well, I have a hard time sitting still. These past few months have been far less "productive" in my mind than what I would accomplish back home in Canada.  I just have to share what the Lord shared with me this morning!

My retreat to a "quiet" place with God
"I am preparing you for what is on the road ahead, just around the bend.  Take time to be still in My presence so that I can strengthen you.  The busier you become, the more you need this time apart with Me.  So many people think that time spent with Me is a luxury they cannot afford.  As a result, they live and work in their own strength-until that becomes depleted.  Then they either cry out to Me for help or turn away in bitterness.
How much better it is to walk close to Me, depending on My strength and trusting Me in every situation.  If you live this way, you will do less but accomplish far more.  Your unhurried pace of living will stand out in this rush-crazed age.  Some people may deem you lazy, but many more will be blessed by your peacefulness.  Walk in the Light with Me, and you will reflect Me to the watching world."

"For since the world began no one has seen or heard of such a God as ours, who works for those who wait for Him!"  Isaiah 64:4

As we celebrate the coming of a new year, I challenge you to make this a focus in your life.

Friday, December 23, 2011

"music in my heart"

This girls hair is discoloured due to lack of nutrition
This morning when I woke up  I was thinking of posting a short christmas cheer to all our followers.   However after coming home this afternoon from visiting the local dump, my heart isn't so cheery anymore.  I have mixed feelings of despair and sorrow.  Along with our church, we donated clothing items and a traditional Christmas meal.  I have never seen anything like this nor did I think it could get worse than what I was exposed to last year.   Over 200 people live day in and day out in the dump of Jalapa.  So many questions rolled through my mind as we drove away late this afternoon.  Where is the water, how do they eat, where is proper shelter and what happens when someone is sick?????   Before heading out, I picked through our kids clothes to donate a few items and grabbed some snacks off our shelf.  My small bag of donations felt very insignificant to the need we saw.  I had no idea what to expect.  Our church is amazing!  During this past week, they collected bags full of clothes and wrapped presents for the children and prepared warm tomalleys.   They sat on a blanket of dirty diapers, broken glass and other garbage.  With full tummies,  "new cloths" and small toys, they went back to rummaging through the endless piles of burning garbage.
Helping a mom with her children

During a prayer asking Jesus into their hearts

a "home" in the dump
What was even more

a "home" in the dump
 depressing was that we had to drive through the cemetery to get to the dump.   It's not hard to miss cemeteries here in Guatemala.  They are brightly painted cement cases that are adorned with tacky flowers, kites and wreaths.   When we were first settling into our home here in Jalapa, I would climb up to the roof top and sit quietly and pray.  It was my only escape form the echoes of voices inside the cement house.  I have a bird's eye view of the cemetery and would always see a haze as if a fire constantly was burning.  My curiosity never got the best of me and just thought it was someones  garbage burning in their backyard (as happens in every backyard).  I cried many tears up there, but tonight as I climbed up to check on the drying laundry,  I couldn't look at the cemetery the same.  Knowing that haze was from the dump garbage.  My head hung low and the tears streamed my face.  
I can't leave off with such hopeless feelings.  I know that God is love and that the greatest gift is His son Jesus.  And to share that love is the greatest gift you can give.  Merry Christmas!  We pray and thank the Lord for our donors and sponsors everyday!  Without your support, we could not do what we feel God called us too.

When the song of the angel is stilled,
When the star in the sky is gone,
When the kings and princes are home,
When the shepherds are back with their flock,
The work of Christmas begins:
To find the lost - To heal the broken - To feed the hungry
To release the prisoner - To rebuild the nations
To bring peace among brothers and sisters
To make music in the heart. - Howard Thurman

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


As we prepare for the holidays and busy ourselves with family functions, it's so important to remember those who are alone.  I just got off the phone with a dear friend we met three years ago.  Cathy is in her seventies and lives here in Jalapa.  She has done a lot of translating for us the past couple years and we have developed a friendship through meeting.   I invited her here for our christmas family dinner I will be hosting on boxing day!  She was delighted and said she spends every christmas alone and its nice that we would think of her.  We aren't home with our family this christmas but God has blessed us with amazing friendships here.  Our home will be open to whoever God brings in this christmas!

Gabe and Max are busily making snowflakes for decorations to bring into the prison tomorrow morning.  We will be doing a craft and having special treats with the ladies.

Monday, December 12, 2011

A Real Gift!

I feel like I have been out of touch for awhile.  So much to catch up on that I feel my mind is spinning.  We welcomed our friend Kait last Monday.  Her visit is very timely.  Leading up to her arrival, I was feeling really down and missing family and friends back home.  With the holiday season and family gatherings, I felt a little homesick.  Having a familiar face and someone to share our life with here has been really encouraging and  a breath of fresh air.
We carried out a tradition we started last year with the help of Kait.  Last night we prepared a dinner for the nuns of Casa Hogar.  Going to buy all the supplies was a chore in itself.  It's not like going to the Super Store and picking up everything at once.  The nuns giggled with delight as the boys escorted them  to their seat.  It was so awesome serving them as they chatted over a candle lit dinner.  We shared with them after how we respect what they do and how we appreciate the life they are dedicating to serving the girls.
Kait and I spent an afternoon with the nuns making angels and snowflakes and decorated the cafeteria.  It always amazes me how the simple things can bring so much joy.
It's not all work and no play when we have special visitors.  Along with other missionary friends, we went to "Pino Dulce" (means Sweet Pines) for a hike through the mountains and picnic lunch.  We hoped the fog would clear so we could experience the  view while we zip-lined.  We literally were up among the clouds.  It was AWESOME!!!!!! I felt silly that I was more afraid than my six year old daughter.  God has given her a free spirit and one of no fear.
On  our way home  we stopped in at a local friend who lives with his entire family up in the mountains.  They generously invited us into their home that consisted of not much more than a few plastic stools and a table.  In the corner stood a small plastic christmas tree.  It was so cute how proud of it they were after they plugged it in.  That experience was hard for me.  I looked around and tried not to look utterly shocked at the way people live.  Dirt floors, big open gaps near the roof, mud and brick walls,  chickens running in and out......With the nights being especially cold this time of year, I couldn't imagine how they keep warm.  This christmas season has been a very unique experience.  I know we talk a lot about having too much and cutting back on spending, but how much changes for us.  For Matt and I, this has become a reality this year.  Trust me, I often think back on what I would be doing back home now.  Probably would have filled my freezer with so many baked goods, I wouldn't know what to do with.  My house would have been all decked out for christmas, and I would have  joined the commercial rat race of finding all those gifts. If you ask me if I am missing out on things, I would have to say absolutely not.  I am finding joy in the little ( yet very big things for us)  Going back to Emmanuel's family, I would have to say the same.  They have each other.  Nothing fancy....just simple.  Really if we reflect on how Christ entered this world, it was simple.  Jesus' whole ministry was about investing in people, not things.   We visited with this family that afternoon and had the privilege of spending time getting to know them.  During our visit, they offered us coffee that they grow on their property,  and then sent us on our way with bananas and a chicken.  Here is a family who has so little yet so much to give.  They wanted to bless us.

Sometimes it's hard to receive a gift like that.  We were humbled and thankful.  Speaking of being humbled and blessed, our paster surprised us and took us out to a ranch for lunch and later on to his farm to cut a tree down.  I had mentioned how I have always wanted to cut down a christmas tree.  Apparently this is a HUGE deal in Guatemala and they have laws against cutting trees down.  In order to cut one down you need a special permit, which of course cost money.  Last Saturday, Paster Ed and his family took us out to visit his father's  farm in the mountains.  It was AMAZING!   We hiked out to find the perfect tree.  All I have to say is that it looked a lot smaller on the side of that mountain.  We came home and still had some trimming to do.  Again, words could not describe my joy and thankfulness.  I always have a hard time excepting gifts....I sometimes feel like I owe or need to repay the favour.  God's gift to us comes with no strings attached.  We didn't earn His love and nothing we can do or don't do will make Him love us less.  And I guess in a way that is a gift I can pass on this christmas.  The gift of Jesus' love!

Friday, December 2, 2011

"All I Want for Christmas...."

The best christmas present for me this year is having our amazing friend Kaitlyn Kendall come and see first hand what we are doing here in Guatemala!   We are really looking forward to having company from Canada and are excited to introduce her to all the amazing people we've met along this journey.   Welcome Kait!!!!!