So I left off with my plan to visit the women's prison last Wednesday. Thank you for all your prayers that covered me. I felt like I was trapped in a scene from "Prison Break". It was so different from anything I have seen. The nurse I accompanied, visits bi-monthly and runs a health clinic. Since the ladies don't have many visitors, they were thrilled to see a new face. We asked who was interested in having their hair cut, and a couple came forward to find out how much it would cost. When they found out it was free, we had a whole line up. The ladies received numbers and we called out four numbers for those to come forward. Ever since I left that day, I can't help but think of those ladies. They aren't given much to eat and don't have many resources. All I know is I want to go back and minister to them. I know that they all have a story and are in there for a reason but there is hope. I just don't think it's right that they are locked up and forgotten. God is full of grace and mercy that extends to all who are willing and receive Him. I want to inquire about bibles for the ladies when I go back next Wednesday. As I cut their hair, I prayed over them. The warmth from the blow dryer and my gentle touch was all I could offer.
Mandy attempting the use of the LiceMeister. |
Thanks to Sarah, her network of friends and church, (Central Community Church) we were able to distribute lice combs. We were given 24 combs to hand out to the nuns. This was a huge blessing for them as they only had two plastic combs for over a hundred girls. I spent an afternoon "de-licing" one girl. Yes, it took me a whole afternoon. The girls have very thick, beautiful black hair. I was amazed at the performance of these combs. ( I met the the head nun and explained to her the importance of not only cleaning the head , but bedding and clothing as well. She told me it is very difficult to keep the girls "clean" because they pick it up from school. It's interesting, the school blames the orphanage and the orphanage blames the school for the lice problems. It may take a trip to the school to set up a clinic and educate the kids there as well. I was told there are only a handful of girls who have lice and that for the most part they are clean. I am not totally convinced. When I was doing hair, I saw a few eggs in "clean" heads and know that it only takes one egg for the whole cycle to happen again. The problem is the girls get embarrassed when I confront them and shy away from any help. Again, this all takes time.
Mandy doing hair for the occasion. |
Speaking of hair, I had a wonderful opportunity to help out and do something I love to do. Nine girls celebrated their 15th birthday this year and here in Guatemala, that is a BIG deal. They go all out and get dressed in fancy gowns and have a fiesta at night. I spent 5 hrs working like crazy to do all 9 updos. I had Matt go to the market and buy some makeup and gave the girls little makeovers. They looked exceptional! We were invited to mass that evening and as I sat in the church, I cried tears of joy and honour that I could be here for these girls at such a monumental time in their lives.
The girls at their 15th celebration. |
Sweet little Beverly:) |
I have felt on more than one occasion judged by the nuns here. After I prayed that night in that church I turned to see if Matt and the kids had arrived and a group of nuns were just staring at me. I thought it was kind of funny. I mean, here I am in jeans, bright red hair , tattoos and a piercing and really don't fit the appearance of the girls here. We had a visit from our friends from Texas recently. As I shared my feelings of judgement with our pastoral care couple over breakfast last Friday morning, my dear friend Tammy shared something with me. She pointed out something interesting. Maybe God has me here to be a witness to these nuns. I never really thought of that. So now instead of feeling like I need to conform, I am reminded to let His light shine through me and to be a witness. I have a great respect for these women, and don't understand everything they do, but am here to serve....even them.
Steven and Tammy Burger C-TEN Pastoral Care |
We were blessed with gifts and treats from home:) |
We had a treat on the weekend. The nuns planned a surprise day away in Guatemala City. We loaded a bus early Saturday morning, and headed to an amusement park. The girls were squealing with delight when we pulled in the parking lot. As soon as everyone was unloaded and accounted for, the girls took off in all directions. At the time, we were hanging onto 2 year old Beverly. She ended up tagging along with our family for the morning. It was funny all the looks we were getting. All three of our kids are clones of one another, and then there's precious Beverly. At one point we were walking along and passed her 17 year old mom, and I tried to get her attention to let her know that her daughter was safe, but she ran on by with her friends to check out some rides before I had the chance to explain. I stopped in my tracks and was reminded that these are still kids, and that for one day she wanted to "play" with her friends. Matt and I loved the addition to our family that day. From there we headed to the zoo. Our kids REALLY enjoyed seeing all the animals. I think Gabe took a picture of every animal in the park. The zoo is located near the airport. It is very rare to see an airplane flying in our location, so when I saw a jet it was like I hadn't seen one before. Matt and I talked about how we may not have the resources always to fly, but we do have opportunity. For many people here, that is not the case. I can't imagine.
We got a kick out of watching the nuns at the amusement park. |
Stopped for breakfast at the side of the road. |
Teaching 8 year old Normitta how to tie a bow. |
Our daily spanish lessons with Walter. |

The mission field is not easy. I didn't expect it to be, really. I guess I am learning what my weaknesses and strengths are. It's a struggle for me at times not producing a product. I feel so much more accomplished when I see results. Relationships don't work that way. It takes a lot of time and energy in building friendships. Even so with God. He wants so desperately to be involved in our lives if we would only allow Him room. We attended our first church service here in Jalapa on Sunday. The message was taken from Matthew 6:25-34. As we live each day by faith that God will supply our needs, we somehow get distracted and can worry. We spend our time and energy in the "things of this world" chasing dreams, building companies, having the latest and greatest, and we don't put God first. We should be chasing His kingdom first, and the blessings will follow. Think about it!