I just wanted to share a few of my thoughts regarding Matt's last post. We shared a story of two young girls. I have to say I honestly felt disheartened, discouraged, and angry. Angry that parents would allow their children to beg on the streets, to manipulate and lie to people. I know that by buying a pair of shoes and a sweater would not resolve their poverty, or situation, but I was hoping it would make some difference. We came home that afternoon, and I curled up in the hammock with a great book. While reading "Crazy Love", God reminded me a very important scripture. Matthew 25: 42-43, says "I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me." It opened my perspective on the reality of poverty. I continued to read on, " I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for the least of these, you did not do for me."
That's all I needed to hear. I knew that Matt and I didn't do much, but it was something. It was out of pure love. It opened up conversation in how we can respond again....and again..and again. I don't want to be naive, but I don't want my heart to be hardened to the realities of poverty. We may never know how our lives impact others, nor may we ever see the fruits of our labour.
On a side note, the kids wanted to get dressed up and celebrate halloween. We invited a local family to join us at our home for the evening of treats and making crafts. Instead of carving pumpkins, we made paper lanterns, instead of trick or treating, we brought treats to our neighbours. In the spirit of halloween, the boys decided to be luchadores. (if you haven't seen Nacho Libre, it's one of our family favourites) We found the masks for $2 at the market! Mercedes was a christmas tree. We told her to keep that costume as it may come in handy for Christmas:)
Matt & Mandy --- I am so amazed and thrilled at what you're doing in Guatemala! Being obedient, and faithful with what God has asked us to do can be so frustrating at times - especially when we're not sure of whether or not we're being scammed. I guess I want to encourage you that Christ knows how it feels to be scammed, and taken advantage of --- and still he asks us to not judge, to be generous, and to love others. This from the Lord of all Creation who knew what it was like to be betrayed by His friends, who healed people who didn't even thank Him for what He'd done - who'd been shunned because He was honest about who He said He was (and IS). You are doing something beautiful for God. Keep doing it. Be faithful -- do not worry about the outcome. You are making God happy, and you are doing it out of love. Praying that you continue to be blessed...