In the past few months I have seen some men have the opportunity to blessing and carry the burden of others. One gentleman came a few weeks back and he shared that he was quite well travelled based on his work as a pilot. Landing in various parts of the world and staying for brief periods of time didn't always allow for a thorough look at what life entailed. Despite the exposure to various landscapes and obvious differences in demographics from country to country, there was little opportunity to truly get connected with others. During his trip to Shadow of His Wings Orphanage ( he had the opportunity to share and sympathize in the life of the abused, neglected, abandoned and orphaned children and women of Monjas, Guatemala. His kind and generous heart was broken from what he saw. He had a difficult time articulating the change he felt, but I best believe he could have described it as God broke his heart to make room for a renewed one that was growing. Did these people do anything special for him? In short, no. They were just willing to share their life with someone. Their impact on his life was huge and now he has made it a mission to seek sponsorship for the children at SOHWO. Those kids don't know the impact that they make but they do make one for the glory of God by being in relationship with others.
Another person I would like to share about is a former neighbour of mine. We were blessed to have him and his family to come and visit us this past summer. He is well travelled visiting various countries in various stages of development and has been exposed to different cultural practices. During his visit, he saw more of the business end of what I deal with in Jalapa. In those few days he heard stories from others about theft, extortion, corruption, limited access to resources, limited financial gains, and other social complexities that limit construction and businesses. For the most part, I thought he took most of it in stride and was underwhelmed based on his travels. However, upon return to Canada it became obvious to me that he wrestled hard with what he saw. Despite seeing and talking to people in different factories around the world, he really hadn't experienced their personal lives outside of work or discussed business issues on a tiny scale like he had with my business partner Leonel. Time and time when we met back in Canada he discussed the hardships people go through and that making gains in developing countries meets lots of opposition. The impact of what he saw and becoming more relational with the people of Guatemala, pushed him to speak to others about the difficulties people have in the developing world and to think about what can be done to help. Leonel sharing his life experiences to my old neighbour brought about change. I'm sure if you were to ask Leonel if he was trying to create an impression, his answer would would be the same as in the previous story.
I am very encouraged by your journey of service that you have chosen for your family. Keep on limping to that finish line and keep on with your focus where it truly matters!! Thank you for sharing! I read your posts! I have wanted to comment before but felt a lack of words to say. You share stories that I am inspired and moved by, but that I cannot relate to - therefore I don't know what to say! Maybe it is encouragement enough to simply say - thank you for opening my eyes to things that are happening in your part of the world - it helps change my thinking and put things into perspective! God bless you guys!