His strength I admire, his fight is strong and his heart pure. He laid awake all night the night before the news with other news of Lily. Praying for wisdom and strength as the fight to adopt comes near an end. The unexpected, the unknown all laying in His hands. When God closes a door, somewhere there is a window. And we keep walking the road ahead.

There are so many things we get to experience living here. Some amazing, some just plain old tough. Some days I experience a sense of loss, but God quickly reminds me of the many blessings He has for all of us if we just acknowledge Him. Whether its a beautiful sunrise, smile on the face of one of our kids from the project, my son telling me he loves me, or God gently stirring my heart in the early hours of a morning with a scripture. He calls all things into being. The earth is full of His glory.....even the rocks would cry out if we weren't made to worship our King. He is full of mystery yet is relatable. I thank Jesus for gracing the dust of this earth. He understands our hearts because He suffered. When we follow Him we step into His suffering and all of a sudden the bible stories aren't just images of animals and people on Sunday school felt boards. They are relatable. It's the place where real relationship grows. God in me and I in Him.
I am not there, but I celebrate the life change that is happening in one my dear friends' son. He made a choice to step out of comfort and seek his own path. He choose to attend youth group, and just recently was baptized. He still struggles. Of course! Just because we are baptized into new life with Him, doesn't make us immune to sin and trials. In fact it is to be expected. When we choose to walk with God, the road is narrow. It is the beginning to a beautiful story with a God full of love, compassion and grace.
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." Matthew 28:19
Sorry to hear about grandma!