I am in the process of
putting together a little box of some special memories. The blanket that wrapped her tiny frame when
she was found, a dress I made for her, and a photo album full of firsts this
past year. I remind myself that this is
for her, but deep down inside I think it’s for me…. Help me work through some
the pain.
We have always held her
“loosely” in the sense that we knew that she could go at any time. How it all went down was not expected or
makes sense. Since we have been told
that adoption is impossible for us at this moment, I had hoped that walking
into the court room someone would be there looking for her. There had been a case in progress when they
took us in to deal with ours. At first I
was confused as there was a man and a woman present. I think I stared the gentleman down so much,
wondering how he could possibly be related to Lilly.. “ She has his nose… yes
that’s it… and look at the shape of his eyes.. and oh the shiny black hair with
soft curls… it has to be him..” For a
moment I had hope that someone related to her wanted her. Since no one came to claim her, we asked if
transfer of care could be given to us until she was adoptable. We
were denied. We were told she belonged
to the safe house (a registered NGO) within Guatemala. I say she belongs to God first!
Last night we packed up her
little belongings along with her crib.
My room feels bigger and so much emptier along with my heart. We held onto her as long as we could before
I kissed her goodbye. I feel so
angry. Why did she have to go into a
place she has never known? Matt and I
know that regardless of when she left, it would be hard but at least if she was
going to another family it would be better than a facility that is understaffed. I had to pass her off to a teenager when I
left. A teenager that needs healing in
her own wounds; not having the responsibility of caring for a baby.
In processing all this , a
friend wrote me and shared this. “When God gives you the opportunity to learn
more about love, you go for it.”
And so I keep going.....
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