This is what hospital visitation looks like. |
Everyday is such a learning curve. Sometimes I question things that just don't seem sensible and sometimes I just accept it and go with the flow. I found myself in a very large line that spilled onto the streets of Jalapa today. It was a line for visitation for the hospital. For some reason today I felt a little more stared down but thought nothing of it. After all, I am the tallest, whitest "gringo" in line. As the door finally opened, the crowd of people progressed forward, but not my line. I couldn't figure out why we were still standing in one spot. We only had one hour to enter the hospital for visiting rights so let's get a move on I thought. Besides, I didn't know which way was up in there and had a mission to find Rosa. I quickly realized that I was in the line of ALL men and they were allowing the women to enter first. I felt like an idiot as I scurried past all the "macho" men in their cowboy hats.

Rosa and her older sister were brought to our home because of incest. Her older sister already has a three year old. A perverse past that I can't even begin to imagine. A raping of her soul, self esteem, and identity as a teenager. And still no justice as the father has taken off with two other younger sisters.
Setting aside my anger at the situation, I embraced this tiny baby boy and whispered in his ears .."its not your fault,.... God made you perfect" I sat and just stared at the miracle of life before me as wails of a woman rang out across the hall. Her baby didn't make it. She sobbed for a child she wanted and couldn't take home.

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