Wednesday, May 23, 2018


I have found myself many times in this place.  My rooftop has become my sanctuary.  My place of worship, praise and prayer and yet times of wonder and emptiness.  I have seen brilliant sunrises and watched beautifully painted skies descend behind mountaintops.  I have watched dark clouds form while rain showered distant hills. Some nights I have escaped with my love to gaze upon stars,  make wishes and dream big dreams together.   I have laid at the altar of His throne here weeping, rejoicing and praising.  

This tree symbolizes God’s faithfulness in the seasons we enter. Recently I have watched the leaves drop and new growth appear.  It was almost overnight that this tree was full of life again.  I love how God allows us to shed old leaves to make room for new life.  No matter how long this tree has been here or will be, it must go through this process.  Shedding old to have new life, new growth.  

I sat here in front of this tree 3 years ago with the devastating news that Lily was chosen for another family.  I kneeled here and begged God for His best for her life.  I worshipped and thanked Him for allowing us to be that family. And now, I am yet again completely undone by His unfailing love and blessing as Lily was approved for a visitors’ visa to Canada!  Thank you Lord for seasons of new growth. Canada look out, because you have one seriously excited little girl coming!